
7 Practical Tips for Saving Money on Everyday Expenses

7 Practical Tips for Saving Money on Everyday Expenses

Tips for Saving Money on Everyday Expenses with Money Compare

As the costs of living continue to rise in all facets of our lives, many Kiwis will be looking for ways to combat their eye-watering bills and receipts. Here at NZ Compare, we are all about helping Kiwis reduce their expenses and get better value for their hard earned money. 

We have rounded up our 7 best tips to help you lower your everyday household expenses. 

1. Compare Bills

Comparing your bills is one of the most powerful ways to reduce your expenses and make savings. NZ Compare has a range of websites designed to help you easily compare your different utilities such as broadband, power, money, and other finances. Make a regular habit of comparing so that you can make an informed decision, avoid paying more than you need to, and find a plan that works better for you and your household. 

The Benefits of Comparing Bills

Compare Broadband

Compare Power

Compare Mobile

Compare Money

2. Lower your Power Consumption

There are plenty of easy ways to lower the amount of power your family consumes. You can invest in energy efficient appliances, choose LED light bulbs, turn your appliances and devices off at the wall when you aren’t using them, and make sure your home is insulated. Reducing your power consumption will ensure your power bill is as affordable as possible each month. 

Ways to Lower your Power Bill

3. Be Conscious of your Water Use

Water bills can easily add up, too! Make sure you use water efficient washing machines and dishwashers. Only run them when they are full. Take shorter showers. You will be able to button back your water bill by just making a few simple adjustments to your habits. 

4. Check your Subscriptions

How many streaming platforms are you subscribed to? And how many do you truthfully use? Be honest with yourself and cancel the subscriptions that you just don’t use. You could even consider switching to a cheaper platform. 

Major Streaming Platforms Increase Prices

5. Click and Collect Groceries

The major grocery stores in New Zealand all have a click and collect service. Give it a try! And make sure you do so when you aren’t hungry. Doing click and collect for groceries is great because you can see the total price before you pay so that you can see whether there are things you can take out of the cart or swap to a different, cheaper product if necessary. It saves you from blindly adding items to your trolley in store and having the surprise total cost when you arrive at the checkout. Make sure you sign up to each store’s points system so you can get the best deal on your products. Also be sure to grab enough groceries so you can take lunch to work and school. Save money by avoiding takeout!

6. Create a Budget

It is vital to know where your money is going month to month. Set certain amounts of money to different areas of your life, based on your income and expenses. Track your spending for a few weeks to see where you can button back. Figure out how much money you can put into your savings account and make sure you choose a savings account that has a high interest rate for a great investment return. 

Tips for Budgeting

7. Start a Veggie Garden

This one will be a slow burner, but a long term investment! Grab a garden bed, some nutrient-rich soil, and plant some of your favourite herbs and vegetables. In a few months time, you will get to enjoy your own home-grown delights. Over time, as the garden grows and flourishes, you may be able to reduce the amount of fresh produce you need to buy from the grocery store. 

Shop Garden Beds

Shop Potting Mix

Further Reading: 

The Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Bill Anxiety? You Have More Power Than You Think!

Wednesday, 24 April 2024