Free Life Insurance Comparison
Request a free, no obligation Life Insurance quote from Money Compare today.
Money Compare have partnered with leading life insurance advisors The Insurance Department to help you make a fully informed choice on your life insurace... It's never been easier. Request a life insurance quote in a matter of seconds. The service is completely free and if you proceed with your quote we won't charge you a cent on your insurance policy.
The Insurance Department advise on life, health, trauma and mortgage cover. They partner with leading NZ insurers like AIA, Asteron Life, CHUBB, Fidelity Life, nib and Partner's Life.
If you have not thought about insuring yourself and you are the primary income earner in the household you really need to consider taking action.
Could your family pay the mortgage without you? Could they take time off work and look after you if you’re terminally ill? What about funeral costs? Life insurance is your way of looking after your loved ones when you’re gone.
Not sure what you need?
We can help you decide. It's our full time job! We all know that insurance isn't the most exciting thing to discuss... but here at Money Compare we love it!! It protects your loved ones futures by providing them with a lump sum payment if you pass away, or are diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Key benefits of comparing life insurance through NZ Compare
• It is INCREDIBLY easy. Our advisors do all the hard work.
• Compare multiple providers. Our advisors know and understand them all.
• Access to all of New Zealand's best insurance providers.
Our advisor partner
The Insurance Department are a talented team of advisers who are passionate about making a difference in people's lives. They work hard to get the best possible outcomes for their clients and pride themselves on being accessible, friendly and professional.
As your personal insurance adviser, their mission is to be there for you when the unexpected happens. Their advisers are there to help you become financial independent. They help you with your future goals and ensure you are secured. With 12 years of experience in the financial industry The Insurance Department continue to educate themselves and discover the best solutions to your financial needs. They're there to help you choose the right insurance cover, whether it's for your Life, Trauma, Mortgage, Income or your Health.
A talented team of advisers who are passionate about making a difference in people's lives. The Insurance Department work hard to get the best possible outcomes for their clients and pride themselves on being accessible, friendly and professional.
The purpose for The Insurance Department is to see all their clients become financially independent and enter the investor environment. We want clients to achieve their financial goals, whatever they may be, as soon as possible!
With years of experience in the industry, The Insurance Department have the knowledge and expertise to find the best possible outcome for their clients. And because they're passionate about making a difference, they'll always go the extra mile to make sure you're getting the best possible value for your insurance dollar.
The Insurance Department will always be there to assist you at the event of a claim, as they understand that it can become a difficult and stressful time. Their focus is on making the process as easy as possible for you, so you can focus on what's important - getting your life back to normal.
So, if you're looking for peace of mind, The Insurance Department can help. Get in touch.